Part 2: Next Steps: Recommendations Throughout the Research Lifecycle - Returning Results and Nurturing Relationships

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Part 2 of the webinar series, Towards Health Equity: Prioritizing Community Partnerships in Human Genetics Research


The second webinar of the series will continue the conversations from the Part 1 webinar, examining recommendations for researchers to engage communities throughout the research cycle.


Learning Objectives

  • To analyze methods by which researchers can build lasting community relationships utilizing continued engagement through the return of results, publication of findings, and after the work has “concluded”.
  • To learn to foster communication with the community throughout the execution of the research study and adequately address (possibly unforeseen) concerns, using case-based scenarios.


Missed the webinar? Here's a highlight:

Log in to watch the webinar on-demand and hear more from panelists Joon-Ho Yu, Rhonda Hamilton, and Thelma Jones.

Joon-Ho Yu, MPH PhD

Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

University of Washington

Joon-Ho Yu is a Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine; Associate Director of the Institute for Public Health Genetics at the UW School of Public Health; and a member of the Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics and Palliative Care at Seattle Children’s Research Institute. Joon is a graduate of Carleton College and received his MPH and PhD in Public Health Genetics from the University of Washington. Joon also serves as Deputy Director and Director of Data, Assessment, Research and Evaluation at the Korean Community Service Center of Seattle. As such, Joon conducts and studies community-centered research on topics such as genome sequencing, big health data, parenting/caregiving and early childhood development, community-based behavioral health, and community safety.

Rhonda Hamilton, MPA

Patient Navigator and Community Outreach Coordinator

Georgetown University

Rhonda Hamilton, MPA, received her master’s degree in public administration from Southeastern University. She works at Georgetown University’s Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Prevention as a community outreach coordinator and patient navigator. She was raised in the District and has spent the past 18 years working in the community and advocating on behalf of residents. She also schedules patients for mammography screenings throughout the District and Maryland as a patient navigator.

Thelma D. Jones, AAS, CHW


Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund

Thelma D. Jones is along-time civic activist, a 17-year breast cancer thriver, and the founder ofthe award-winning Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund with a signature monthlysupport group meeting. Recently, she became an ACS Ambassador for Voicesof Black Women. Retired from the World Bank after more than 33 years as acommunity outreach coordinator and a principal founderof its institutional outreach program, Jones passionately sharesthe message that early detection saves lives and creates a better outcome. Focusing on reducing theincidence and mortality rates of breast cancer in historicallymarginalized populations, she leverages her lived experience andglobal understanding to empower survivors and caregivers with hope,encouragement and resources. Jones is a recipient of the PresidentJoseph R. Biden Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.

Calandra G. Whitted, MSPH, DrPH (Moderator)

Senior Social Scientist at the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Whitted is the Senior Social Scientist at the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance. As Senior Social Scientist, Dr. Whitted supports the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center partner of the NCI funded U54 Meharry Vanderbilt Tennessee State Cancer Partnership designed to build research capacity between the institutions to support cancer disparity research. She also serves as evaluation and strategic planning support for the MVA programmatic activities. Her research focuses on public health genomics and community engagement in underrepresented populations. She also is a member of the Center for Health Behavior and Health Education at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She obtained her Doctor of Public Health degree from Florida A&M University and the Graduate Partnership Program at the National Institutes of Health. She completed her post-doctoral training at the National Human Genome Research Institute in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch at the National Institutes of Health.


Part 2 Webinar
06/20/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/20/2024  |  45 minutes
06/20/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/20/2024  |  45 minutes Part 2: Next Steps: Recommendations Throughout the Research Lifecycle - Returning Results and Nurturing Relationships; Note: Please refresh your page if the Enter Live Event button is not available.
Part 2 Study Guide
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Summary document from the live webinar presentations and discussion.