Multimodal Approaches to Interpreting the Non-Coding Genome: Evolution, Functional Genomics, and Machine Learning
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While we know have an increased appreciation for the regulatory roles of the non-coding genome, there are still many regions which remain to be defined. This session will leverage cross-species comparisons, epigenetic approaches and machine learning to interpret the non-coding genome. Moreover, massively parallel reporter assays are an increasingly attractive technology for functionally testing the regulatory potential of non-coding DNA at scale, the use of this technology will also be presented.
Please note: This item is only available as part of the ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting Digital Pass.

Jacqueline J Harris, PhD (Moderator)
Assistant Professor
Rust College

Jeffrey Calhoun, PhD (Moderator)
Research Assistant Professor
Northwestern University

Brianne Rogers, PhD
Postdoctoral Research
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

Janet Song, PhD
Postdoc in the Walsh Lab
Boston Children's Hospital

Amber Zimmerman, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania

William DeGroat
Undergraduate Researcher

Minhui Chen, PhD
Staff Scientist
University of Chicago