Managing Multiple Projects, Multiple Roles, and Dynamic Biomedical Science Careers

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This webinar, the second in a series, will explore high-level approaches to managing multiple projects, multiple roles, and dynamic biomedical science careers with ASHG member experts and a certified coach/facilitator in the area of professional and career development. 

In this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • Challenges associated with managing multiple projects and clarifying which projects to pursue.
  • Crafting practical project timelines and working with collaborators to get the projects done.
  • Taking the time to incorporate milestones, inflection points, and go/no-go decisions into your research plans
  • Communicating regularly with your advisor/thesis committee/team members about your progress, even if they are non-responsive
  • Having the confidence to not wait for leadership opening to come your way and how to impact a team or project even when you have no authority or decision-making power.
  • Creating opportunity including getting buy-in, multi-institutional support, and funding.
  • Avoiding burnout with a focus on prioritizing projects and streamlining your contributions.

Future webinars in the series will take a deep dive into specific work-life balance topics like parenting, networking, career choices, and remote working, based on what attendees’ say they want to hear about the most. Join us as we explore the necessary art of balancing your science with your personal life in this new age of work. 

This webinar series is available to current ASHG members only. Please join or renew your membership today to register for the event.

Lisa Hanasono, PhD

Associate Professor in the School of Media and Communication

Bowling Green State University

Dr. Lisa Hanasono is an associate professor in the School of Media and Communication at Bowling Green State University, and she is the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity’s (NCFDD) Academic Director of Training and Content. As a communication scholar, she focuses primarily on how institutions of higher education, academic leaders, and individuals can stop discrimination, reduce inequities, and support the career advancement of minoritized faculty.  In addition to publishing her research in peer-reviewed journals and delivering keynote presentations and faculty development workshops across the United States, she is currently a Co-PI of a nearly $1 million NSF ADVANCE Adaptation grant that examines how inclusive leadership, allyship, and institutional transformations can reduce social biases and support the career advancement of minoritized faculty in STEM disciplines.  

Danjuma Quarless, PhD, MBA

Associate Director

AbbVie Ventures

Danjuma Quarless is an Associate Director and a member of the AbbVie Ventures team in AbbVie's Division of Corporate Strategy. AbbVie Ventures strategically invest in transformational scientific opportunities to augment our core R&D interests and gain access to next-generation science and proven scientific leaders. 
Before pursuing corporate strategy, Danjuma was a Senior Scientist in the Genomics Research Center (GRC) in AbbVie's Discovery division, where he worked as a computational biologist. Prior to joining AbbVie in 2017, he earned a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences from the University of California, San Diego.
Danjuma recently earned his M.B.A from the Kellogg School of Business at Northwestern University. He holds undergraduate mathematics and computational biology degrees from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington.

Hannah Wand, MS, CGC

Director of the Preventive Genomics Program

Stanford Healthcare

Hannah Wand, MS, CGC, is the director of the Preventive Genomics Program at Stanford Healthcare and a genetic counselor in preventive cardiology. She is a PhD candidate in Translational Health Sciences and her research focuses on equitable implementation methods and community co-design for population genetics programs. In addition, she leads several working groups with the National Society of Genetic Counselors and previously served as a program manager with the ClinGen consortium.  

Latrice Landry, MS, PhD, MSC (Moderator)

Genomic Medicine Fellow

Harvard Medical School

As a clinical geneticist, epidemiologist and nutritionist, Dr. Landry is focused on the engineering of equity-based systems for clinical integration of biomarkers with a keen focus on genomic and nutrition related biomarkers, in the translation, evaluation, optimization, and implementation of technologies in diverse populations and is helping to lead equity and disparities research in the field of precision medicine and public health. Paragraph Latrice Landry is an instructor specializing in developing systems-based approaches to achieving equitable translation of precision medicine and precision public health.


Managing Multiple Projects, Multiple Roles, and Dynamic Biomedical Science Careers
06/28/2022 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/28/2022
06/28/2022 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/28/2022