Gruber Prize Presentation and Lecture

Recorded On: 10/07/2021

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The 2021 Gruber Genetics Prize recognizes hematologist-oncologist and geneticist Stuart H. Orkin, MD, for his pioneering discoveries of the genetic underpinnings of blood disorders. His remarkable body of work has not only revolutionized our understanding of how these illnesses occur but has also led to promising new gene-based therapies for thalassemia and sickle cell disease, two inherited blood disorders that affect millions of people around the world.


Gruber Prize Presentation and Lecture: Turning on Fetal Hemoglobin for Therapy of Hemoglobin Disorders: A Journey Through Contemporary Genetics
10/07/2021 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/07/2021
10/07/2021 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/07/2021 The 2021 Gruber Genetics Prize recognizes hematologist-oncologist and geneticist Stuart H. Orkin, MD, for his pioneering discoveries of the genetic underpinnings of blood disorders. His remarkable body of work has not only revolutionized our understanding of how these illnesses occur but has also led to promising new gene-based therapies for thalassemia and sickle cell disease, two inherited blood disorders that affect millions of people around the world