Featured Plenary Abstract Session 2

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This session highlights high scale profiling efforts using different experimental platforms and in different disease settings. This includes heritability analysis in environmental risk and air pollution, methylome and omics (GWAS, TWAS, PWAS) analysis in cancer, global profiling of Cas9 editing sites, and transcriptomics in rare disease.

Learning Objectives:
1. Evaluate several novel strategies for jointly modeling genetic and environmental effects on disease risk using large EHR datasets.
2. Examine how early methylation changes occur and how they interact with other epigenomic shifts.
3. Identify critical pathways in endometriosis pathogenesis using omics approaches.
4. Apply a new sequencing method for targeted pooled and in vivo ribonucleoprotein CRISPR screens in hard-to-transduce cell types and detection of off-target perturbations.
5. Judge a transcriptomics-first method to diagnose rare disease patients by examining transcriptome-wide patterns of minor intron retention events.

Please note: This item is only available as part of the ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting Digital Pass.

Fernando Scaglia, MD (Moderator)

Principal Investigator, Department of Genetics

Baylor College of Medicine

Marina DiStefano, PhD (Moderator)

Associate Lab Director

Broad Institute

Havell Markus

MD/PhD Student at Dajiang Liu's Lab

Penn State College of Medicine

Hayan Lee, PhD

Principal Investigator

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Lindsay Guare

GCBH PhD Candidate in the Setia-Verma Lab

University of Pennsylvania

Graham McVicker, PhD

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Taylor "Maggie" Margaret Maurer, BA

Graduate Student in the Department of Genetics

Stanford Medicine


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