A Report on the Economic Impact of Human Genetics and Genomics Research

Recorded On: 06/03/2021

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This webinar will present findings and analysis from an ASHG Board commissioned report on the economic and functional impact of human genetics and genomics research. Advances in genetics and genomics research depend on robust research funding, public support, and policies that enable science to thrive. It is therefore important for the community to communicate the value of research to public health and society to policymakers. 
Overview of Presentation 

  • Learn about the economic impact of human genetics and genomics research 
  • Discover how to use findings from the report to advocate for research with policymakers 

Simon Tripp

Principal and Senior Director

TEConomy Partners

Mr. Simon Tripp, the principal and senior director of TEConomy Partners. Mr. Tripp is highly valued and sought after for his expertise in research methods, analytical insight, strategic thinking, and broad knowledge of diverse fields of science and technology. He is a frequent speaker on technology-based economic development and impact analysis topics. Simon was the lead for this new report. He also led the development of a similar report ten years ago. Mr. Tripp will give an overview of the main findings of the new report. 

Eve Granatosky, PhD

Senior Associate

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC

Dr. Eve Granatosky is a Senior Associate at Lewis-Burke Associates LLC, a leading full-service government relations firm based in Washington, DC specializing in advocating for the public policy interests of research and education organizations.  Dr. Granatosky is a key member of the Lewis-Burke biomedical research team, where she combines her scientific background and first-hand experience in the federal government, to help clients achieve their advocacy goals.  Prior to joining Lewis-Burke she was selected for the Genetics and Public Policy Fellowship through ASHG and the National Human Genome Research Institute. 

Lynn Jorde, PhD (Moderator)

GPAC Chair

University of Utah


Recorded 06/03/2021
Recorded 06/03/2021